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          The Great floods of 2050 due to massive earthquakes and resulting tsunami's, led to nuclear meltdown. The radiation from nuclear reactor's started leaking into the purified water system worldwide. Government's fell into a recession trying to restore order and get the reactor's back online. Several corporations profited greatly from sub-contracts to clean up the mess. 25 years later the populations nearest to the reactor's started to show signs of mutation.

          With more and more people mutating into deformed versions of themselves, corporations started putting more money into research for cures and ways to replace abnormal limbs. No cure was ever found, but great technological breakthrough's came during this time. Everything from cyber eye's, arms, legs, to the spine. Gangs found ways to get their hands on this new technology and started selling it in the underground trade organization. Now Everyone had access to it, that didn't before.

          In 2085, Digital Landscapes designed the Virtual-Reality-Matrix-System (V.R.M.S). It allowed the user, once installed with a datajack and brainchip, the ability to access a virtual world. Users could access wi-fi terminals to link themselves into the virtual world, set up as "hot-spots" throughout the city. Corporations used it as a way to store secret  information. Hacker's started using it to figure out ways to disable security cameras, hack safes and doors or extract valuable info from corporations for clients.

          By the year 2105, 75% of the world's population was "plugged in". Mutations, cybernetic limb replacement and the virtual world became a part of everyday life. Everyone started to focus their thoughts on space exploration. They found that traveling through our black hole they came out on the other side to an alternate reality. An extra dimension. Almost ten years later came the discovery of intelligent life on another planet.

          This new planet hosted strange creatures once thought to be only in myth's and legends. It was a strange and magical world that was home to elves, trolls, minotaurs, dwarves, and other humans. Dragons could be seen flying through the air. Strange and other exotic creatures also called this place home.

          In 2120 a trade agreement was made between the two planets and for the first time the two traveled between each other. Tales of people traveling from the new world and seeing magic sparked the corporations interest. They soon started conducting experiments on these strange and magical creatures after that. They found a D.N.A. strand they titled as "Mana", that gave these creatures the ability to use magic. Secret lab experiments conducted on the population found that once the subject was infused with the D.N.A. strand "Mana", they had the innate ability to cast various forms of magic. Corporations tried to keep this new ability a secret, but it didn't  take long for it to fall into the wrong hands.

          The year is now 2125 and with the collapse of government, corporations now control everything. Gangs run rampant through the city, all vying for more control over territory. Law enforcement has their hands full trying to keep everything in order. All 3 sub-contract work to outsiders, that way there is no record of their involvement.

                                                                      That's where you come in.......

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