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Offers increased movement speed and a bonus to Agility attribute.


Increased Strength to carry heavier weapons/armor, allows player to carry more items. Can also do more physical damage with melee weapons.


Magnified zoom x2, x4 depending on upgrade. Better targeting system that allows targeting of specific body parts. X-Ray vision ability to see through walls.

Upgrades: Better Critical, Concentrated Fire,Sniper Shot.


Offers faster reflexes and improved evasion. Ability to block most bullets with Katana if upgraded to Wired Reflexes.

Upgrades: Disarm/Dismember


Increased enemy detection. Ability to hear enemy movements which reveal their location on the mini-map.

Data Jack

Gives the user an extra Essence Point. Allows the user to connect to the VRMS.

Brain Chip

Bonus to Intelligence, Magic, and Hacking skills. Used in conjunction with Data Jack to log into the VRMS.

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